Trip Report Part 4 of 4: Flying Delta for Spring Break Across the Pond '24 - is it really that good?

Hey guys!

Welcome to my 4th and FINAL post of this series! If you haven’t already done so, check out the first 3 posts: Post 1 can be found here, Post 2 can be found here, and Post 3 can be found here. If you have viewed and liked all four of these posts, I thank you - you’re an OG. I’ve had fun making this series for y’all, and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading them. Now, without further ado, let’s get to the post for the day!

Recipe to make delicious chocolate chip cookies

Flight 4 of 4:
Airline: Delta - DAL
Flight #: DL1067
Aircraft Registration: N127DN
Departure Airport: BOS (Boston-Logan International Airport)
Departure Gate: A15
Cruise alt/SPD: FL320/415 KTS
Arrival Airport: MCO (Orlando International Airport)
Landing runway: 17L
Arrival Gate: 78
Departure time: 1915Z
Arrival time: 2234Z
Date: 22nd March
Landing rating: 9.6

Before I get any further, I just wanted to ask - did anybody find any similarities between the first and third posts, and does anybody have any more guesses as to what my meal was in my second post? I’m going to reveal the answers soon, so now’s the time to guess.

After we landed in Boston and got through customs, we unfortunately didn’t go to a lounge, but I did go to a Boston Bruins-themed bar that was across from our gate (it’s basically the same thing). Little coincidence - the three gates that were on our end of the terminal were all Delta flights to somewhere in Florida - one was Jacksonville, one was Daytona or Tampa or Fort Lauderdale, I can’t remember, and the other was to Orlando - our flight!

The flight was slightly delayed in leaving, but we still landed at around our scheduled time. I only got 1 photo, and a recording of the landing (which was actually better than all three of the other flights, which was crazy, because all of my other flights were on board planes with double landing gears) that was pretty buttery. Here’s the picture:

I actually really like the way that this picture turned out. Definitely seems like it is the highest-resolution picture out of all of them.

On board the flight, I ended up watching a movie called Over the Hedge - it’s really funny - it has Steve Carell, Catherine O’Hara, Eugene Levy, and more. Got some airplane cookies and some juice, and enjoyed my flight! The approach was kinda turbulent, but it’s alright.

In the end, I really enjoyed my trip to London. I was immensely grateful for the opportunity that I had to do so. Unfortunately, this trip was scheduled for four years ago’s spring break - 2020 - but something happened that year…I can’t remember what it was…

I would say, Delta is a good choice for flying to the UK from the US, as it is a good deal cheaper than British Airways, Aer Lingus, or airlines like that (as I look into it as of right now, it seems like Virgin Atlantic is also a good choice, so I don’t know why we just didn’t choose them) but is a better quality than Norse. For example, here’s how much it costs to fly from Orlando to London on May 4th (Heathrow and Gatwick are included in these results) in Premium Economy:

That’s the inexpensive end for Premium Economy. Some are nonstop, some have stops.

As you can tell, the price decides to skyrocket once we get to United and British Airways.

So yeah, I would probably recommend flying Delta or Virgin Atlantic, depending on where you live. You can get a much better experience with them in Premium Economy than you will likely get on a British Airways Economy (can’t say for sure - never flown with them before). Thank you for giving this post a chance, and I will see you guys next time!

Before you go, I might post a few links to some videos from my flights - and also start a topic of a trip report from my spring break last year - be on the lookout 👀!


Of all 4 of my posts, which one was your favorite?
  • Post 1: MCO - ATL
  • Post 2: ATL - LHR
  • Post 3: LHR - BOS
  • Post 4: BOS - MCO
  • Enjoyed them all!
0 voters

And for some reason they are known to be worse than Delta or Virgin Atlantic 🤔. Nice trip report. I also notice that landings on a B737 or A320 tend to be smoother than landings on a plane with multiple wheels or bogeys as some people call them. Maybe because all of them have to get down causing more trembles or bumps. Glad you enjoyed London it’s a nice place that I love to visit from time and time again

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I will say that on our landing in Boston (A330) we kinda bounced I think. I feel like many people (Swiss001 for example) will glaze multiple-geared aircraft as “butter machines”. I’ve flown on many more single-landing gear planes than I have multiple-geared planes (flew on the 772 once, the A333 twice, 764 once, and 753 a couple times, compared to the tens of flights I’ve flown on, say, a part of the 737 family, A320 family, E-jet series, CRJ’s, etc.), and the two smoothest landings I’ve ever had were on single-geared planes (one was an American 737, the other was the Delta A321 from this trip - both happened to be landing at MCO). So I don’t know, maybe I just need to fly some more big planes.

There’s probably some logic to why you could argue either way, and my guess is that it follows the lines of something like “the first landing gear on a multiple-geared plane will help absorb part of the force of the landing” or “the single-geared planes are smaller and lighter, so it’s easier to butter them”.

Geez I could create a whole topic about this lol 😂

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Yeah smaller planes butter better in my opinion. I’ve flown on the A380 a lot and no matter how smooth the approach is the landing will always be a bit hard and bumpy and will rattle a lot. Wakes you up after a red eye flight that departs in the middle of the night I guess

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You know it’s gonna be good when they’re in it together. Fun fact: I’m distantly related to the Levy’s (like 4th cousins with Eugene’s son, also an actor, Dan).

Great trip report!

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I mean. In one way or another, everyone is distantly related to eachother.

It’s incredible how many people you or your family seems to be related to though, you seem to know everyone!


We are, aren’t we!

It does, doesn’t it. Well, to quell any doubts, here’s the results from my DNA test that shows the match. I have confirmed through some other people more closely related to me that it is in fact the correct Dan Levy, and have blurred some personal information…

If anyone like more information, feel free to shoot me a PM. Best not to clog up this thread with information related to my genealogy.

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@Mort That’s pretty cool! I love Dan Levy too - he’s also a super funny guy.

I love how this topic started as a trip report, and has gone through two derails conversationally-speaking (pun unintended) lol

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IFC in a nutshell.


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