Training ATC problem

As you would expect, training server is not that professional. But i was at Seattle today and i was ATC at Seattle. A united 777 wasn’t contacting Me, a 737 didn’t ask for clearance before taxing, and no one was really listening to me. Yes i know that training server isn’t that professional, but i belive that there should be some way in order to make those who can’t be part of IFATC, a way to be more professional, or maybe some way in order to have an IFATC test in order to be more professional on training server or something.

the only real training and practice that you need when applying for IFATC, is well, the training from the appointed trainers at IFATC. your main focus on ATC at training server is to get your operations up, good practice is hard to get due to pilots you dealt with today.

and look at tyler’s videos🙏


Sadly, not much you can do about this. As you stated, it is training server and pilots don’t listen to another follow ATC commands all the time. My advice, if you are interested in joining IFATC, apply and you’ll have a much more enjoyable experience controlling. Also get to work with some fabulous people!


How long should i wait until i should apply again. I failed my practical abt 2 weeks ago

It should just be a cooldown unless you fail it three times. Check with your recruiter and they will let you know when you are eligible to retake it. Also, I highly recommend applying for training as it’s highly likely you will pass with one of our amazing trainers to help you. But check in with you recruiter for any other questions about your recruitment process.

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Ok thx. How would i apply for a trainer?

Ask your recruiter and you will be placed on a waitlist.

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Ok. Thank you

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