TOM5305 Paphos - London Stansted, diverted to Vienna

Hello everyone, long time no see. Time for a quick story time. A week and a half ago I boarded a TUI flight to stansted, it was looking good and we were estimated to arrive early. However it very quickly took a turn for the worse as the captain announced we would be diverting to Vienna with a “small technical issue.”

Once on the ground, an operations car guided us to a remote stand where it quickly became clear we did not have an issue. 3 police cars sat waiting for us and officers boarded, removing an unruly passenger.

We ended up landing at Stansted just under 2 hours late in the end but it was an unwelcome end to a nice holiday and an experience I hope I don’t have to go through again. Below are a couple of photos showing the situation on the ground.


That’s insane, we need some kind of enforcement for this not to happen (or just for people to be nice) Hope everyone was ok. It seems your plane had a really steep descent as well


Dang. That’s pretty scary. Luckily, it seems the passenger was dealt with.

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Yeah we came down pretty quickly. Turned right and just went, only took us 10-15 minutes

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Yeah they were. It was for everyone’s saftey as he was being quite disruptive

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I’ve that it sometimes happens because passengers are scared of flying, and in that case, why not take a ship or something


Super Unfortunate, I’d always get told that there was an undercover cop on all flights. Whether it’s true or not, This is ridiculous. The way people act is crazy. We live in a interesting world…

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UNWELCOME??! i would pay to be in a diversion lol

On what is usually a 4 and a half hour flight, which turned into sitting in economy with minimal legroom for 7 hours whilst not feeling particularly well, I can confirm it was unwelcome 😆

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Air marshals aren’t present on all flights.

Why? [10 characters]




No. You absolutely wouldn’t want to.

If you’re dead serious on this, considering that mechanical and medical are the two most significant diversion factors, I’d say that you have sadistic tendencies for wishing this upon yourself. Assuming that you do end up being involved in a diversion, hope you never will, I would definitely how much of a savage you’d still be when you’re at the mercy of factors that are well beyond your control.

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Well Mr.Lord, there’s more than just medical diversions. Weather, mechanical, fuel, unruly passenger, and a ‘pan pan’ emergency such as a put out fire in the laboratory or food section. Not all diversions are human suffering instances. And yes I very much do wish a diversion still, if it was the case of a medical diversion, than i would pray for the safety and survival of the patient, HOWEVER i would find the experience cool as it is something new. So no, just because i’m wishing for a diversion, doesn’t mean i’m wishing for harm. Not all dire situations are human infliction. I hope you have a good rest of ur day, and I’m sorry you didnt win this one buddy :)


Exactly. Sometimes it’s for weather, which it totally harmless (mostly), and is totally out of our control.

I highly doubt @anon38552190 wishes ill upon anyone.


(nah jk, i wish for the best on everyone)
(except ops)


Let’s break down some of the reasons for diversion that you’ve listed here.

Weather: You no longer have enough fuel to safely hold and make it to your destination, this is classified under a mechanical diversion due to low levels of fuel that would make it unsafe to continue.

Mechanical: Pretty self explanatory, I suppose.

Fuel: Again, you no longer have enough fuel to safely continue on the planned flight, and a deviation to the normal is required for safety reasons.

Unruly passenger: I can assure you that this is a pretty rare scenario. Unless you have a green hoodie or are going to throw up a fuss over peanuts, I don’t reckon you’ll see this.

Pan Pan Emergency: In itself, they are already declaring that there is an urgent need of help, not yet amounting to potential loss of life, but that still doesn’t take away form the fact that you’re in a situation that is an emergency.

Fire: It doesn’t matter where on the plane the fire exists. You absolute do NOT want to see a fire in a closed cabin. While the fire may not do harm to you, it’s the smoke that often kills people, and often times, it does so without you even knowing.

So if you were to read my initial comments again, I can assure you that I’ve very well listed mechanical factors as a reason for diversion. Factors that may be a consequence of diversions may not necessarily manifest itself in physiological means but more often than not, be an incident that mentally traumatises people.

I’m afraid you didn’t read my initial comment properly; it may pay to be a little more attentive in the future.


Only in isreal


And that’s only El Al.


Resorting to argumentum ad hominem, I see.

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