Hello! My name is Haden and this is my ATC Tracking Thread. I am extremely new to actually operating as ATC, although ive been flying on IF for 7 years, and my end goal is to learn everything I can, perfect my knowledge and skills, and progress myself to the point of attempting to possibly become IFATC.
Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Thank yall!
Airport: Nashville International Airport
Facilities: Ground & Tower
Server: Training
I will utilize a ping list, if you want to be added please say so.
That was a good first session, hope to see you improve in the future! I’d highly recommend reading the ATC Manual and the youtube tutorials to further work on your skills. I’ve listed my comments below in Zulu time so you can view it on your replay. If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
Callsign: YA-PPR
[05:25Z] Incorrect transition altitude; transition altitudes are when aircraft want to pass through your airspace and to separate them from traffic in the pattern. Transition Alts = (airport elevation) + (1500ft) + (1000ft), rounded up to the next 500. In this case the proper transition should be 3098ft, rounded up to 3500ft
[05:27Z] Good pattern entry
[05:28Z] Uncessesary pattern altitude command; pattern altitude is just 1000ft Above Aerodrome Level (AAL) for GA and 1500ft AAL for jets. In this case, YA-PPR was already at pattern altitude at 2100ft
[05:29Z] Unecessary turn base; once you have given an aircraft a pattern entry, they will follow the legs until landing. Just remember to give their landing clearance!
[05:29Z] Good clearance
[05:32Z] Unecessary upwind extension; calling crosswind should only be give when creating separation between aircraft. The right decision should’ve been to give right downwind 02R for YA-PPR
[05:35Z] Same as [05:29Z]
[05:36Z] Unecessary re-clearance; once you have given an aircraft the option, they may also land full stop
[05:39Z] Slightly late rwy exit; try to aim for 70-90kts for jets, and 50-60kts for GA
Overall, nice work but still some room for improvement!
I realized later on my transition altitude was incorrect, thank you for utilizing the commands as I dont often use nor see them in action.
I had forgotten the airport altirude was +500 MSL upon the pattern entry request (Im tired lol)
Thank you for letting me know about the pattern commands. I was unsure of if turn base was required before landing clearence or at all.
I wasnt sure the best way to transition you to 2R from the 2L upwind so I decided just to put you on downwind for 2L and trasition you to left downwind for 2R. I understand the mistake, thank you!
I couldnt remember if re-clearence was necessary, thank you!
I was having some difficulties getting the Cactus flight on ground to listen to my instructions and I got late on your runway exit clearence. Thank you! I will be more diligent in the future!
Thank you for all the Crticism! I will go back and watch my replay!