Just taking a moment to ask the community their thoughts on the A340-600. After flying with it the past couple days I have come to enjoy the platform and its fuel range. It’s climb performance is excellent of course because of its four engines.
However, why do I not see so many A340s out and about on server?
Any thoughts or personal opinions on the aircraft would be appreciated! 😁
Most people don’t like it or fly it due to the age of the aircraft, it’s in dire need of a rework so me included choose not to fly it. The aircraft itself though, one of my favourites.
I think part of its problem is not just the ok at best model in the game, but it’s very limited use with airlines now a days since most people chose to fly real routes…
Excellent point. It has a select few airlines that use it. Four engines and limited cabin space probably don’t make it economically friendly to an airline
Got ya. That is interesting isnt it? The A340 and 380 do not have the APPR mode. It does make the pilot have to work a little more. Visual approaches will become easier in time and before you know it you will be able to perform one in any aircraft.
It’s definitely the most underrated aircraft. I think the greatest reason behind it not being used was it’s unpopularity from airlines. Not many airlines used it, so it’s hard to recreate routes with it