Thoughts on the A340-600

Hey everyone!

Just taking a moment to ask the community their thoughts on the A340-600. After flying with it the past couple days I have come to enjoy the platform and its fuel range. It’s climb performance is excellent of course because of its four engines.

However, why do I not see so many A340s out and about on server?

Any thoughts or personal opinions on the aircraft would be appreciated! 😁





Most people don’t like it or fly it due to the age of the aircraft, it’s in dire need of a rework so me included choose not to fly it. The aircraft itself though, one of my favourites.


Thanks for your input! True, could use a rework.


Very rare to see in IF

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That’s what I’m saying! You never see them!

Just like the B767


Last time I used the A340, I crashed.


It’s not exactly the most popular aircraft with airlines today.


Same honestly

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I think part of its problem is not just the ok at best model in the game, but it’s very limited use with airlines now a days since most people chose to fly real routes…

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Not many options for liveries. There’s probably a thread on the forum somewhere for this aircraft

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Do you think it was the aircraft that caused it?

Excellent point. It has a select few airlines that use it. Four engines and limited cabin space probably don’t make it economically friendly to an airline

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How did your crash happen?

I’m not very good at Visual approaches yet so I like ils for I can line up to hand fly but A346 doesn’t have Appr mode


Not necessarily the route, more the fact that a 747, A330, or 777 can more efficiently transport on long hauls.

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Got ya. That is interesting isnt it? The A340 and 380 do not have the APPR mode. It does make the pilot have to work a little more. Visual approaches will become easier in time and before you know it you will be able to perform one in any aircraft.

It’s definitely the most underrated aircraft. I think the greatest reason behind it not being used was it’s unpopularity from airlines. Not many airlines used it, so it’s hard to recreate routes with it

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Would you all agree that the A340 was a developmental platform for Airbus in terms of research for the A380?

I don’t know i had the game for a while but I’ve been off and on and I preferred Boeing back in the day. Now for now I use A350 a lot

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