This Year’s Best


Though I did not have time this week to do much flying on the expert server as usual, I did get to do a flight when Guangzhou was featured on the atcschedule. Here is a cool screenshot of 2 of this year’s updated planes together!

The King and the MAX

Poll Time!!

The A380’s Wingspan is ~80 Meters, which is about the same as:

  • Nine London Double-Decker Buses
  • The Wright Flyer’s First Flight
  • Both
  • Neither
0 voters

(I will reveal the poll result in my next Screenshots and Videos topic tomorrow)!

And that’s all for today, folks! I hope you all have a wonderful day. Until next time!


More Topics!

Off to São Paulo — Ft. The 737 MAX
30th S&V topic, 501st Landing, and Grade 4!
Thanksgiving Leftovers :turkey:


The poll has been closed! Stay tuned for the answer reveal in a couple of hours!

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