The magic of the East Coast

Why is the East Coast better than the West Coast? Landscape? Nope, Nature? No, Cities? Maybe, More Airports? Yes but not quite

Being able to fly wide bodies between 2 airports on the same coast? Bingo!

American Airlines Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner turning base for Runway 31R at New Yorks-JFK πŸ—½πŸŽ after the short, simple brief flight from Miami 🏝️😎 can’t replicate this on the West Coast!


Cool picture! Gotta love East Coast flying! The scenery is very different from the West Coast, though, so I don’t personally know if I could say that one is definitively better than the other.

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Down in JFK somewhere was me in an ANA B77W Tokyo bound. I heard you contact Kennedy Tower just before I got clearance to takeoff. Cool picture.

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