The Japanese Transnational Group Flight!

Hello and welcome to another group flight! For this one, we will be flying from the South tip of Japan, Naha, to one of the most northern cities of Japan, Sapporo! But this group flight is unique, we will be making a stop in Tokyo, so there will be 2 flights in this event! Feel free to sign up for one or the other, but I will be making the full trek! I can’t wait to see you guys there!

Special thanks to @MANDELA for the banners!

Naha to Tokyo

Departure Airport: Naha/Okinawa (ROAH/OKA)
Departure Time: 2024-05-05T22:00:00Z
Flight Duration: 1:50
Aircraft(s): JAL A359, ANA B77W, ANA B772, ANA B789
Climb Profile: 250/300/80, 0.84 once you reach cruise
Cruise Altitude: FL370
Cruise Speed: Mach 0.84
Weight and balance at your discretion
Descent Profile: 82/300/240
Arrival Airport: Tokyo Haneda (RJTT/HND)

Departure Gates

Gate Airline Aircraft User
21 JAL A359 @Apple_Haye
22 JAL A359 @CEEKAYDA_97
23 JAL A359 @MarioIsaguirre
24 JAL A359 @BenjiTheBull
25 JAL A359 -
26 JAL A359 -
27 JAL A359 @Random_AviatorYT
31 ANA B772
32 ANA B772 @Wonderousbuilder641
33 ANA B772 @AmericanB772
34 ANA B77W @pencil_GOD
36 ANA B772
37 ANA B772 @a5b6d28383
Tokyo to Sapporo

Departure Airport: Tokyo Haneda (RJTT/HND)
Departure Time: 2024-05-06T00:20:00Z
Flight Duration: 1:15
Aircraft(s): JAL A359, JAL B77W, ANA B77W, ANA B772, ANA B789
Climb Profile: 250/300/80, 0.84 once you reach cruise
Cruise Altitude: FL370
Cruise Speed: Mach 0.84
Weight and balance at your discretion
Descent Profile: 82/300/240
Arrival Airport: Sapporo/Chitose (RJCC/CTS)

Departure Gates

Gate Airline Aircraft User
11 JAL B77W @BenjiTheBull
13 JAL - -
14 JAL A359 @Random_AviatorYT
15 JAL - -
16 JAL - -
17 JAL - -
18 JAL B77W @pencil_GOD
19 JAL A359 @MarioIsaguirre
21 JAL A359 @Apple_Haye
58 ANA - -
59 ANA B772
60 ANA B77W @United403
61 ANA B772 @Wonderousbuilder641
62 ANA - -
63 ANA - -
64 ANA - -
65 ANA - -
66 ANA - -
67 ANA - -
68 ANA - -
69 ANA - -

Airport Frequency User
Naha Ground @tf_350
Naha Tower @tf_350
Naha Radar -
Tokyo Ground @Scot_McGough
Tokyo Tower @Scot_McGough
Tokyo Radar -
Sapporo Ground -
Sapporo Tower -
Sapporo Radar -


Are you meaning to fix you event function?

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It says march 5th

Sign me up tho!


Thanks I just fixed : ) Which flights would you like and on which plane and which airline?


ANA 777-200

Gates 21 and 13

I’ll sign you up! Thanks for coming!


I will take this please Naha to Tokyo

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You are signed up!

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Hi, can I take Tokyo local ATC?


Of course I’ll sign you up! Thanks for the help


Radar is unavailable to me because I’m a specialist.
Can I take just locals please?


Can I have this in an A321? I’ll also take the Tokyo - Sapporo leg in the A321 as well. Thanks


This for Naha - Tokyo

And this for Tokyo - Sapporo in the B77W

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Hi, the event looks fantastic! I can take Naha Tower and Ground ATC.


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can i get this with the 777 heading to sapporo?

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Ahh yeah that’s my bad I’ll fix that

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I’ll sign everyone else up!

Since our cruise speed will be Mach 0.84, an a321 unfortunately can’t come, would you like a different plane?

I’ll try to be an officer till then.^^

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It’s so much better than specialist 😍