The Funniest things that have happened to you in IF

Definitely that time in KTOA when we had 105KN winds.

This happened yesterday on playground. So, I was flying a SWA 737 from KBUR-KSAN and when I was approaching SAN a Dash 8 was landing so I had to go around. After I went around I was cleared to land and there was a plane on a runway so I went around. And as I was putting my flaps I was that the gear icon wasn’t highlighted. So if that plane wouldn’t of lined up I would’ve crashed and wondered why. Unless ATC would tell me to go-around again.


I was trying to land an A319 in some heavy winds and the wing hits the ground. I’m flicked back up into the air and start flying sideways above the runway. It then tilts, hits wingtip first, flicks back straight and crashes.
I was also flying an A320 and I don’t remember what happened, but I ended up diving into the water. The plane hits nose-first and bounces and lands on it’s back. No crash, it’s just sitting upside down on the water, not moving:


This what happens when you fly the Dash is some serious crosswinds.

I was trying to land the Dash with low weight in high wind speeds and gusts. It didn’t go so well.


This guy, who thought he was a freaking space shuttle!


Anyone remember a while back when there were 150+ knot wind in Socal? I do


150 or 15!?that must be a super tornado you entered into lol

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And btw do you realise this means you can takeoff with no thrust on small jets

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There’s proof of it.

Where…link please?


Well I vectored @Tyler_Shelton and @jasonrosewell into the side of Aspen… Might still find the craters 😁


Oh no, IEan 150+. We were taking off from the ramps and hovering in Dash 8s and 737s

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How did i actually miss that!guess that what happens when you’re away from somewhile

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That was fun flying in that 100kt wind. Btw I was the guy who found it


Here is a funny thing that happend in playground

one guy was about to land. but came in too fast, if not mistaking, landed, but skirted around. came right towards me and one other guy,me and him standed still, but gave full throttle, like, lets get out of here! 😂

Wouldn’t all this simply fit under Humorous Live Photos?

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I tried to do a loop in a Q400 and ended up stalling on my back and just falling vertically at like -10,000fpm but with my aircraft completely horizontally upside down😂 try it

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Was on final at TNCM with a C172, going super slow with flaps deployed. When I was on short final, the ATC Tower closed. No big deal, right? Well yeah, until about 7 seconds from crossing the threshold, an E-175 pulls out into the runway as fast as he can. You see, the pickle with the C172 is that it can tend to act up if you aren’t gentle enough. Well, I tried to pull up, as quickly and as calmly as possible and turn to the right, but the Cessna had other plans. About five seconds after initial pull back and turn, that plane decided to lose complete control of itself and spiral straight down to the earth like a meteor that broke the earth’s atmosphere. It was the funniest and angriest moment of my time on Infinite Flight. Couldn’t stop laughing. @Carson was there to witness…