The Fallen hero fly in

I am requesting ATC and maybe an escort for a fly in that I will have a fallen soldier in my cargo bay

Training server


I will be in a Delta a321

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Maybe I can give you an escort what time did you want to do this?

Give or take

I assume eastern time? If its flexible I can do it latter today around 7:00pm my time but I don’t know if that’s too late for you

It is EST (10)

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If you’d like, I can do it tomorrow, which will also give ATC a chance to join.

I can bump it to tomorrow at 11 PST that would be 2 pm EST

Works for me

You still good for this?

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@Mort could you do ATC?

I need ground and tower at ATL

I’m spawned in at KMMT and ready when you are. I’ll rendezvous with you in the air once you level off at cruise.

Roger that, give me 5 minutes

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All good—let me know what altitude and speed you’re planning to fly at.

I have taken off, FL370 at m 0.72 I think

Where did you takeoff from?

ATL? I added the edit on my post?

We are also on training server

That’s why I was on expert. All good

lol no problem

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