I went and reread some of the posts on this thread from past week and I want to piggy back off a couple of points.
First big one, we have to remember that we have a huge age group who flies on IF. While we can realistically expect our older age groups to take the sim more seriously, we can’t expect everyone who is in Elementary School or Middle School, maybe even some in High School, to go out of their way to take this app “seriously” for lack of a better term. What we can do is continue to promote the IFC as a place for those who want to become better pilots, and do our best to provide those resources.
The other half falls into our hands as members of the IFC. We all get a little annoyed seeing the same questions asked over and over, but we have to remember that person asking the question might be 8 years old, or having to use ChatGPT to translate every post because they don’t speak english. On the other side of the hill, it could be someone who is 75 years old and Infinite Flight is the only way they’re able to still “fly.” We don’t know who’s on the other side of the screen, so we have to continue to foster a welcoming community to help those who want to learn become better pilots. It’s something we’ve done over the 6 years I’ve been apart of this community, and it’s something I’m proud to say I’m apart of, because it’s hard to find communities like the IFC nowadays.
I’ve had more time to sit and think on a couple solutions.
First, The expert server is perfectly fine the way it is, but it could used a bump in requirements, I’d say you need more than 250 hours. But the expert server needs to be a place where realism is the goal, but it’s okay to make mistakes, because we can provide the resources to show you what went wrong. The Expert Server should still maintain its high standards to foster that atmosphere of realism.
Next, make Training Server exactly what it says it is. Have it be the place where pilots and IFATC trainees can train, while supervised by an actual IFATC member, or you need approval from an IFATC member or the organization, something along those lines. I’m not entirely sure how they have their hierarchy structured. hopefully y’all can expand on that.
Obviously the training server still needs to be a place to learn, so these trainees really should only be able to give out warnings and maybe violations, not ghosting, at risk of losing their IFATC eligibility if they abuse their power.
In turn, this may also cause more people to come to forums to discuss, find out, and in reality complain, but that an opportunity to show those people where to find said resources to become a better pilot.
Hopefully that creates a place where everyone understands that its a learning environment, and everyone is there to get better both as pilots and ATC.
Finally let causal server be the chaos it’s always been. I’ve never done a “serious” flight on casual so I’d be okay if there was unrealistic ATC, but with restrictions. Causal ATC doesn’t need to give out warnings and we can simplify the commands they have, don’t give them all the options you’d normally have. Just the basics, like Taxi, Takeoff, Landing, but “make a 360” or “expect ILS/vectors” is too complicated for causal server. That’s creates exclusivity and an incentive to learn for those who want to.
From a pilots side, I do wish there was more Misc. Messages, and I wish we were able to give a reason why when we reply “unable”. I can’t not imagine how frustrating it must be for IFATC to be slammed but managing the flow, just to have one plane start lighting you up with “unable.” I’ve been apart of that situation, the approach controller lost focus and the entire sequence got royally screwed up, and someone who I know is a Veteran IFATC had to come save the day. So to those who are IFATC, I see it, I can imagine the pain.
On the flip side, as someone who has only ever been a pilot on IF, I really do rely on yall in the IFATC to help keep me separated from other aircraft and help with my descent into a busy airport. I’ve gotten better over the years of managing my aircraft myself to be less of a pain in the butt, but I rely on yall as the IFATC to know what’s speeds we should be at, or at least have your sequence following at reasonable speeds for each stage of approach.
y’all IFATC don’t understand how happy i get when i get a thank you message from one of y’all in the middle of super busy sequences, hats off to y’all
On the social media front, I think a just a simple weekly post with a link the to the tutorials section of the forum, and let it be a community photo spotlight. that’s gives people 2 different incentives to join the forum, to learn or to try and get their photo posted.
I agree professionalism is what the goal should always be, but we have to remember Infinite Flight is normally the first stop on someone’s aviation journey. We as a community need to work together to foster the environment we want to see on the app. It’s our responsibility.
Just a few more thoughts I’ve had now that I’ve had a nap.
edits for grammar spelling and formatting