The Expert Server is lacking expertise - let's fix that

Supervisors aren’t trained. They’re handpicked. This is to ensure quality of the Supervisors. Loosening the criteria for choosing is not an option to the extent that would be required to make ES stricter, unfortunately.

That makes sense. So then maybe the police idea may be out of the question (unless there’s another way to reach that solution)

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I’ve always thought that the long-term solution to this is to further integrate the IFC and the in-app experience (IF & IFC Integration to enhance training and communication).

For example, I can imagine an evolution whereby the next step is to force users to read through the relevant portions of the user guide and certify understanding before they join the expert server for the first time. You could also force them to do this if they receive a “check tutorials” message from IFATC.

From there, you could build toward a set of in-app tutorials that walk users through some of the basics (e.g., everything from when to use lights, to how to plan a route, to how to fly a pattern). These could be mandated “missions” that you have to complete in order to join the expert server. You could also require a user to complete remedial training if they receive certain L2+ violations and reward them with a shorter ban from the server if they complete the training.

This would obviously be resource intensive and needs to be prioritized relative to other initiatives like Project Metal and new/refreshed aircraft, but I do think it would meaningfully enhance the user experience and provide differentiation vs. other products on the market if executed well. It would also take advantage of the great work done by others to build out the user guide (and potentially individual aircraft guides if you implemented a type rating system to unlock access to aircraft).

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I agree with this

As a result of the increased amounts of disturbances and annoyances on the ES, I decided to join IFATC to help enforce some rules and be able to be there and keep the realism standards high (among other reasons and interests). It pains me to see people still paying no attention to the realism standards that should be held when I was controlling (seeing airlines that don’t even service an airport at that airport, seeing A380s at airports that don’t service A380s, etc.) This has made me realize that joining IFATC was not enough, and there still needs to be more done to maintain the standards that should be in place. If anybody has any votes free, please go vote for some of the features that I linked at the top, as it would be a huge help. Thank you all!


This shouldn’t be enforced imo. That would be too restrictive. Let people fly whatever liveries they want to.

Also it would be a pain to manage only allowing realistic liveries as airlines start/end routes IRL all the time, it wouldn’t be logistically practical.


@BennyBoy_Alpha I see that, but then I’d just say that if they want to fly southwest out of EGLL, then do so on the training or casual server. The expert server is as close to realism as it gets and it definitely bugs me to be landing a plane at an airport next to the completely wrong livery. While I think policing that kind of standard might be too much, as you are also saying, I believe raising awareness is crucial, because the expert server is supposed to be just that, for experts.


policing the virtual skies in hopes of getting everyone to be more complicit … that never ends well, and you know it. i would never agree to this, but would agree that a stricter server be created for advanced pilots who, A: already fly resposibly… B: are tired of jacklegs in the non jackleg server and C: are wanting more out of their flying experience… you cannot discount these people, they do exist, and for the longest time have been muzzled to allow more comrodery run amuck by knuckleheads trolling around in the … “expert”. um, server

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Then they can fly Ryanair at LAX on the Casual or Training servers, but leave that off of the ES.

It wouldn’t be any more of a pain than having to deal with trolls and people that just straight up don’t give a care about anything


i would be inclined to agree with this statement!

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Infinite flight is just a game. It’s meant to be fun for everyone.
If you want ultra mega realism I just recomend you this☝️

I’m sorry, maybe it is to you, but for most of us, the expert server is a chance to be experts in something we cannot do otherwise. If people just want to have fun, that’s what the other two servers are for anyways. Literally the server called casual. As in not “realistic”

Also, if I could fly in that as opposed to IF, no offense to IF but I think I would every time, as would just about anyone else. But since most of us can’t drop hundreds of thousands of dollars on top notch gear, this is the best we’ve got


That’s not even available to most people to use, whether it be because of distance, money, or other reasons

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I completely agree with you

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I Just literally watched somone pushback (south) turned back around (north) and continued pushback directly through the gate and terminal at MYNN on “Expert Sever” with ATC 💀😭

Interesting life choices lol

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I litteraly had a stroke watching it😭

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I completely understand that feeling since I just witnessed two people taking off against a wave of inbound traffic in two different occasions in LHR (in ES ofc). One of them, some guy in a lufty, literally started their takeoff roll when another plane from the opposite direction just touched down (forced the other guy to step hard on the brakes and leave the rwy extra early)💀 fantastic airmanship💀😭

That must be terrible to witness, as both a bystander and the pilot that was actually landing the right way

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Yeah, this lufty literally spawned right next to 09R(everyone is landing at 09L) but they chose to import a fpl , taxi to the farthest 27R, wait for 4 minutes while the two inbound planes moved closer, and takeoff against the last of those two.💀😭 Makes me wonder if they actually know how to change their fpl💀