The EXPERT expert server


You’ve seen parallel landings BUT…

Have you ever seen a parallel Takeoff/Landing 😎🫡



Always satisfying.


👋🏻 btw. Saw you doing patterns at YHZ just after I departed 🫡

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Oh god you got to see my dodgy hand flying skills… 🤦🏼‍♂️


Wow, soooo satisfying 🤤🤤🤤

On the replay it was even more satisfying with the movement. The way it appears from behind the building as I touch down 🤩

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Brooo, I wish I could experience that…

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DH8D getting some much needed Love 😍!

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Yes, I have seen this… and also experienced it irl at jfk! Super cool, seeing us start to align speeds, then the gap of speed between us slowly starts to open, and open, until one just passes the other. Very cool!

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Wasn’t that the saying about Heathrow ‘when a plane lands, another takes off’

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