The end of fpltoif?

I think I just generated the last flight plan on fpltoif, since I can’t access it any more after that. RIP fpltoif, fantastic work for years, really appreciate it and we shall remember you.

Yep. Its gone.

Simbrief in-app replaced it now

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Sad but true. No need to have a separate website for something that can be done inside the application. It was good while it lasted but chalk one up to progress!


Really appreciate your work bro, helped me a lot

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Do you know if the in-app Simbrief comes with the latest AIRAC? I currently use it on my PC, but have 2303.

Still works fine for me

Sad day for Infinite Flight we lost the best flight plan website :(!

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Lucky you 404 for me

Stopped working now for me so annoying it can’t be carried on by someone else

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Is there a random flight generator as good as fpltoif?

Actually you can use simbrief in-app right now that’s part of the reason why the developer shut it down.

Sad news here

This sounds more of a Simbrief error in my head, I mean you are creating and generating the FPL from the Simbrief browser application on your PC correct? Doesn’t seem to be an IF problem, since it just copies the information from the Simbrief API (or equivalent process, idk how the “copy from Simbrief” feature really works). Would try reloading Simbrief and seeing if AIRAC updates.

The way i would pay Money to keep Fpltoif around :(

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Simbrief just gives you a flight plan that you enter in. FPLtoIF random flight generated gave you a random flight for a specific flight time. Is there anything else that can release FPLtoIF’s random flight generator?

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