I would like this one pls
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Daily Fact About New Orleans
The home of Voodoo in the US
A world of famous priestesses, mysteries and zombies, the often misrepresented world of voodoo has long been associated with New Orleans. The roots are found in West African Vodun, an age-old religion in Benin, Ghana and Nigeria carried over to the US by slaves brough to the south. If you’re interested in anthropology and understanding more of the local religious practices, there’s plenty of tours available to satisfy your curiosity of the surprising to some, wholesome practice of Voodoo.
Days until event: 48
hopefully the new SAN-ORF flight that i’m taking is seriously nice
forum bump
B3 to la garbage please
Can I have this as a maybe?
Thank you (10 chr)
forum bump
Greetings! I no longer have an IF subscription, but I would attend this one had I had the chance.
Daily Fact About New Orleans
Most Haunted City In America
New Orleans is known as one of the most haunted cities in the United States, with many creepy old mansions and graveyards to visit.
For example, the LaLaurie Mansion is an allegedly haunted house in the French Quarter that also holds family secrets. After a fire, rescuers discovered dozens of slaves chained to the walls and body parts on the floor in a secret attic. Creepy, creepy stuff.
Days until event: 38
It’s a pleasure for us to join this amazing event! We will get our planes ready!
Can I take this one please?
Can I please change to this
Both requests have been fulfilled. @United403 @MPH258
Events Manager
I’ll take this
Can I fly this route pls?
@AnotherPilot77, this route has already been selected. Would you like another route?
Events Manager