The BabyBus Jamboree

Hello, IFC!

The A318 is becoming increasingly rare, and with TAROM recently shutting down it’s operations of the aircraft, Air France remains the single airline operator of the little plane.

Here are a few photos from the past few years to celebrate this beautiful baby bus :)

F-GUGJ Landing at LFPG

F-GUGL on final at LFPO

F-GUGL on final at LFPO yet again

F-GUGR on final at LFPO

…and F-GUGR on final during the sunset after a trip to Marseille

F-GUGQ, painted in the newish Crevette livery, lining up for departure

F-GUGM and the LFPO tower watching it

F-GUGK starting its takeoff roll

F-GUGO lining up with a nice beacon shot

F-GUGL yet AGAIN… smh

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Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!


It will be a sad day the day that Air France retires its A318s…


Very, I love it quite a bit


Love those babybusses

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Great shots as always from you!

I’m happy to say that I did see one of TAROM’s A318s before they were retired, but that’s unfortunately also the only one I’ve seen. I do hope to spot at least one of Air France’s ones before they’re taken out of service for good…


Transavia 737-800.


No. NEO are better bando!

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It seems certain Colouradoans have no clue what I’m talking about…

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Transavia Neos 😤

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Me when it’s trans time


me gusta babybuso 🥰

Nice pics Camille!


“Little Stubby”! “The Short Bus”!!
Frontier had a bunch of them & United a few. They were a great deal of fun to watch take off. Being way overpowered, with a quick flick of the joystick back with a lift, they were gone! America West in the background as a bonus!
Going to miss this little devil!

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