Was making a flight last night from RCTP-KLAX. Flight time is usually around 10/11hrs. I thought I would have enough time to make it back before I had to land. Unfortunately got pretty busy and had to be away longer than expected. I finally got back to see I received a level 1 violation for an aerobatics violation. I checked the replay on the flight so I could see what happened. As suspected, after flying circles around the airport for literally almost 3 hours. I ran out of fuel haha. Autopilot disconnected and the dive bombing run commenced.
It’s going to be hard explaining that one to the FAA…
what I like to on flights that I might not make it in time for decent is draw a line right into nowhere, so if this happens it is does disrupt anything but water or sand in desert, but also know that when you do a flight you always want to make sure that you are able to takeoff and land and make sure you are able to do so BEFORE the flight
Unfortunately, level 1 violations can only be appealed if it is clearly the fault of the app. In this case, there won’t be a possibility for removal; poor fuel planning and other factors are at fault of the user. Apologies!
Actually that might not be true, when I fly I add at least 1 1 1/2 more fuel than needed and I have landed with barley any fuel so that could have been a game malfunction.