Thank you! Infinite Flight!

Hello. I have played IF near 1 year. I need to be very thanks to IF this game. It changes my entire life.

When I was a beginner of aviator, I have bought a XPlane10 1 month pro. i didn’t know even what is spoilers and reverse thrust!!! And I saw @Swiss playing IF, so I was thinking that is it a good FS? Then, I found that I had no enough money to buy it. So I bought a Google playstore gift card $150HKD for IF one month pro secretary . At the beginning of my IF life, I remember that my first flight was RKSI-ZYTX by Ashiana A350-900 in solo mode. I was sucks in my first flight. (ALT is too low, and I will die that I was flying across North Korea. Then I have tried to fly some other hopping routes such as hopping from KJFK-KDTW and RCSS-RJTT. Then when I was in grade 2, I always used to fly from EGLL or KLAX. Then I have met @aviation6. He had some useful information about some guessing new update and useful tutorials. And I have met @Dan too. I have known that there are sooo many beautiful airports in the world and plenty of great FS such as XPlane11. And also, I have discovered a lot of aviation.

Here’s why I come into this community:
At June, 2020. There was an issue in Android IF. So I wrote an email to IF support to tell that problem. Here is the email:

So I have pressed the IFC link, and finished sign up.

Thank you IF!!! I have known a lot of aviation knowledges in your game such as LNAV, VNAV, VR and so on. And lets me love aviation.


Great to hear you are so grateful for what IF has bringed to you @Fung_Sum-sum!


“Thank you IF!!! I have known a lot of aviation knowledges in your game such as LNAV, VNAV, VR and so on. And lets me love aviation.” glad to hear that. Like me i never knew what LNAV or VNAV was and the knowledge i gained why flying and with others is amazing. I have MFS2020 and everything that i have gained with experience and knowledge is down to IF. If you really take a few hours out of your time and sit down and study the manuals and put everything into practice it really makes you a better pilot. im glad your enjoying it. I have a few pain points but thats for another time.


Thanks 😊 :)


This is what IF does…Brings people closer together. I love it!


I totally agree with you there and that’s one of the joys of being apart of a community! 😊

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totally agree. I have met lots of people in this forum.

Time for learn real life aviation then

I started infinite flight in February 2019. I didn’t know much at the time, and I just played on the casual server. But since August 2019, my mind changed after seeing the expert server. Since then, I have been flying seriously. Meanwhile, I learned about IFATC and I am currently in the process of applying for IFATC. In the future, my goal is to become IFATC.


I am also grateful for the infinite flight.

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Good luck :)


I started infinite flight 2 years ago, i never had pro until december 2020, i enjoyed and learnt many new stuff too.


its like a mini united nations. lol.

welcome to the community. enjoy.

I just recently came back to using IF more intensively after a longer break where I wasn’t able to do so and I must admit that all the points that you guys where stating are absolutely right. It simply is a great game with a fantastic community 💪

@Fung_Sum-sum This is beautiful, and I love that what you said was well worded, and etc.

You mean, good on paper but not very practical in person? 😉


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