Taxi instructions

I have had this multiple times where I have been given a taxi clearance to my gate… but told to hold short at a specific line. What I don’t understand is that those lines are not to hold short of a runway to cross or hold short of an apron to let aircraft out. Please could someone explain to me what it is for?

Thanks! :)

while editing the airport to 3d i guess that particular ‘hold short’ line was labelled as line 44, hence the message. It happens frequently, sometimes the auto D&T gives hold short of different things instead of the actual runway hold short.

Thank you for the explanation. It still seems odd though as they are in random places… where holding short is not needed.

Maybe an intersection, I also never seen it before so I don’t know

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This particular hold short line (if you’re at LIRF) exists because of the extended runway centerline. The landing aircraft will overfly that taxiway at a low altitude. Kind of the same as a runway crossing. There are many of these in IF. Most of the time they’re kind of useless in IF but they’re used IRL.

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Same things happens at KORD for the parallel runways

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Hello @Eggs_Aviation

in the specific case at LIRF the auto assignment of hold short lines name failed because they are at the extended runway centerline as stated above.

Hopefully I have not overlooked one, but this should be fixed now and becomes effective in next cycle.

Thanks for the report.

Kind regards,