Can we get this please by next update 25.1
Bump! Been needing this for ages makes the game user experience 100 better
yes we need it when i land at night i cant even see what airlines are there with no light
The vote is at 1170, this topic should be confirmed by next year, I dont understand why small things cant get fixed, Its just light that need to be added on all aircrafts including 737 MAX 8 🥴
We’ll be getting GTA 6 before lights on IF, how is that even possible???
This will most likely be in the next update 24.5
I support this
Why are folks saying this will come in 24.5?
I don’t think that person had any idea, they were just making an assumption. Obviously it (tail logo lights) hasn’t come out yet
Wdym 24.5? Wouldn’t it be 25.1?
This is the post in question. Obviously there won’t be a 24.5 because 24.4 was the last major update in 2024