Swissair "Chocolate" 747-200

Swissair "Chocolate" Livery

Credit: Swissair – Wikipedia

Hello and servus to my feature topic!

The famous swissair chocolate livery has been painted on the planes in the 80s. It was on the aircraft’s until sometime in 2000.


Tasty right? But now we talk about the livery.

In 1978, swissair wanted to modernise their fleet. 1 reason. The second reason is that in 1981 their 50th anniversary would be here. They wanted a new livery, so they chosen the Swiss designer Karl Gerstner to make a new livery. The result? This wonderful livery. Swissair used it on all aircraft’s, the a310, dc9, a330, just all, including the 747-200.

Which new routes?

We could do routes like ZRH-JFK or ZRH-MUM, I know that these routes already exist, but the 747 would be a nice addition. Also, we would be able to depart the big 747 from small Geneva, like IRL back then

How can I get this livery?

Just press the blue “vote” button over there, left side.

Thanks for voting, happy landings! 🇨🇭




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Sorry only saw this now. My grandfather flew (he was captain) on this excact plane, ZRH-JFK. Would be so great to have the plane he flew…

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