Hello community! I am requesting this livery for Infinite Flight because it is just a stunning livery for the Boeing 747-200 family. If you like it, please vote for it!
Yes, the plane is a Boeing 747-257 just like the KLM Boeing 747-200 in the game.
For the developers
This livery is easier to make than normally done! Just take the KLM Boeing 747-200 and just replace the blue colors and add the cross and the rest.
Thanks! I hope that you developers add this in the future!
What an awesome livery! This livery definately is missing in the 747-2 family for Infinite Flight. Unfortunately I am out of votes but I definately support it.
Also please flag the older topic as this is a duplicate. Make sure you search before creating a new secondary topic and contact any moderator via PM. Yours is much better as it has all the information needed with your own personal vote. Here is the link.
Hmmm… All liveries are not easy to make. All Art/Model designers needs to be to 100% accurate on placing/replacing graphics and the colour scheme when creating any livery. Also One livery takes from atleast a half a day to a few days, since the developers team is really small. I suggest just, removing this little point you said as this would be a little clearer. :)
Ok so first, I said that because they could just take the KLM 747-200 because it has the exact same window placement and the 3 windows on the top deck. That us what I mean
Voted… I really love this Livery, I miss my National Carrier. Saw a lot of Swissair Liveries when it wasn’t grounded yet, and flew on the Swissair MD-11. Sadly we do not have the MD-11 Livery of Swissair (Swiss instead, but its not the same lol), this would defenitely be a gread Additiion.