Sudden disconnection from expert server

Hey, does this happen to others: Only on events with large turnout and ATC staffing, I get quite often disconnected from the server, mostly when I am on the final approach phase. It has not to do with ATC kicking me out. I am grade 5 pilot, always respecting ATC instructions and procedures.
My hardware is an IPad 6th gen. When I used my I phone 14 pro, I had no issues whatsoever & noticed, that ATC communication was not lagging behind. Graphics were smooth, no glitches are “sudden movements” in the display, having all graphic settings on high. I was able to play in 60fps, no issues.
Now my question: Am I facing a hardware (device) or software (settings/ streaming via twitch or using screen capture, then uploading to YouTube).
Can anyone give me tips? I even tried the app lock function in IOS 14/15, locking IF while playing - even then the device crashes, I see a black screen and the weird part is, I close the app, then open it, and often it says I’m still using it (as if I would be flying atm).
For this reason alone, I’m thinking on buying an IPad (2023-24) with SIM connectivity (as I use my IPad via hotspot of my phone).
Any advice, input is highly appreciated!!

With an iPad 6th gen, it’s most likely that your device couldn’t handle all the stuff it was being tasked to process. This has happened with my older iPad a lot. I would recommend turning down the “airplane count” in settings under “online.”

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Thanks a lot! Was thinking the same…Will soon have a new IPad 2024 with separate ESIM card, so it can’t be the hardware, neither the connection (I use my hotspot) atm. So I will have 5G connection speed (1gb dl / 0.5 gb ul per second). On my phone the game is so smoother, you see everything plane, even from far away. On my IPad now, mostly they are just dots. Also ATC communication is not lagging…can’t wait…