A while a go, I made an appeal for a violation I made on the expert server. The appeal was not approved. But the person reviewing my appeal told me that I indeed should gain acces again to the expert server by becoming grade back again on 5 december. Bit 5 december has passed and still I did not re-enter grade 3. I still says that there has been 6 level2/3 violations within a year, but the person helping me on the appeal checked for me and said that I should gain acces back on it from 5 december. Now this has not happened, and Im dying to fly the max on the expert server.
Ok I will try, allthough on the violations record page it still says 6 violations within 1 year, and the oldest one did not pass 365 days I think, so idk. But I will try and come back to you
I was the Appeals Team member who told you the date of your return to the Expert Server. On my side, it shows you are Grade 3 already. I suggest you do what Benny said in his first message, this should fix the stats for you.