Hello everyone,
So my question is when do we get stepclimbs VNAV for climbing.
Now when I do long hauls I have to keep setting alarms to do my stepclimbs. Sometimes i skip some stepclimbs because I don’t wanna get up but it messes up my fuel and weight and sometimes I barely make it because of that. A lot of times I have like 4 stepclimbs but I can’t do them all because I also wanna sleep but i kinda have no choice because otherwise I won’t make it. And yea you can say add more fuel so you make it but then it’s not fun anymore and it takes the realism away. I also make flight plans from simbrief and they always include stepclimbs.
It would be great if we could have VNAV in climbing that would add a little bit more realisme into the game and it would also be a lot easier with long hauls.
Vote on my topic if you agree with this :)