Static noise and purple circles

Hi everyone, I just renewed my pro sub and I’m the first couple of flights I’ve taken, there’s a weird staticky-popping noise that keeps happening, especially in ATC comms. Also, there are purple circles where the engines should be on the United New Livery 757. Any help to fix would be greatly appreciated.

iPad (9th gen)
iPad OS 18.0.1

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  1. The radio is an effect put on that was recently added to make it sound like a real radio. Unfortunately this can but be disabled if that is what you where trying to do.

  2. The pink engine glitch is known, and it’s been a long time issue. Not much you can really do about that besides restart the app. Sometimes it will have it on the 757, sometimes it won’t.

Enjoy your flights with pro, and welcome back to the community! 😎

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I read in another topic about this that it has something to do with the angle of the sun affecting how light interacts in the engine and that changing the date/time can fix it.

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Sounds good! Thank you both very much!

OP requested closure.