How can I handle the stall while in the air or how can I take that off while in the air ?
Don’t really understand what you mean but you can increase your airspeed of if your climbing, lower ur V/S or if your cruising descend altitudes.
Hi Eddie! To fix a stall, push the nose down gently and add some throttle to gain speed. Make sure you don’t fly too slow, especially when climbing. Hope that helps!
You’re not going to be able to recover from a stall if you do not point your nose down. Stalls happen when there’s not enough airflow generated by the wings and Your aircraft can no longer stay airborne. The best and only way to combat a stall is to push your nose down and increase your speed Using gravity. The best way to avoid stalls altogether is to manage your throttle, vertical speed and AOA. Hope this helps!
Like the stall everytime I fly the plane goes crazy on the stall how can I fix that or take that off?
Hi Eddie, can I ask which aircraft specifically? Because some older aircraft like the Boeing 717 have similar underlying issues.
Eddie i get it if English is not your first language. But you have to provide us with more details, What plane? Whats your throttle set to? Whats your weather conditions? Simple things like that.
I just reread the post and I think he’s asking how he can remove the banner that pops up letting you know that you’re approaching stall and then the other one letting you know that you’re in a stall. Correct me if I’m wrong @Eddiel2
Im pretty sure he means how to get out of a stall
I have already explained how to😭
Yes that how can I recover from that or how can I take that off because it’s annoying and I’m tired of crashing 😭😭🤦🏻♂️
Weather clear and A320 and my throttle is set at 80
How can I fix it because every time that stall stuff comes on the plane goes crazy and I don’t know how to recover
There is no way to remove the stall warning screen popup.
What stage of flight are you stalling? Is it on takeoff? landing? during climb/cruise?
That speed is way too slow if your climbing, it should be at like 200 or over
I wasn’t actually trying to do anything realistic, I just hopped in the 717 on final to runway 8 at KBUR and stalled the aircraft.
Oh, the 717 stalls with everyone, it desperately needs a rework, it’s not just you.
Firstly, there is no way to remove the approaching stall and stall warning pop-ups. The one and only way to recover from a stall is to point the nose of the aircraft down (not too aggressively) and slowly let gravity bring your airspeed back up. Again, this is the one and only way to recover from a stall.
To avoid this happening in the first place, the best thing you can do is ensure you know your V-speeds and set your throttle to the proper power settings. Make sure you don’t have too much up trim, and manage your vertical speed and angle of attack (AOA). If you’re a new pilot in the sim, making smooth and gentle control inputs can take some time, so be patient and practice your takeoffs and landings.
Additionally, another great way to avoid getting into a stall is learning how aircraft aerodynamics work—such as what causes drag and what to expect when you lower your gear or deploy your flaps.
Yes, it was on purpose.
Hi, To avoid a stall, don’t fly too slow, and don’t pull up too hard (as in pulling up too fast).
To remove a stall, do the opposite: nose down and speed up.
You might want to practice causing a stall so you can watch how slow you need to go, and how much you need to pull up at different speeds to get it to stall. Then you can just try to avoid what you experienced by practicing to cause a stall.
What aircraft are you flying? (there are the aircraft or two where the stall warning comes on a bit too early)