Hey! One of my favorite things about being an IFATC Controller is controlling at the hub. There is a lot of things to do, and it’s a great feeling when you get off your session knowing that you helped moved hundreds of aircraft!
Today, I was controlling Doha Ground. Thank you to @Testpilot , @BlueSky , @B787fan , @JohnnyCai , and @Katherine_love for controlling with me in the last hour! It really is a team effort!
I had a lot of aircraft on the ground at peak, so even “Very-High” airplane count couldn’t get everyone. I did get a nice terminal picture though when things settled down!
Does this look fun? Apply to be an IFATC Controller today!
[IFATC Recruiting]
Are you interested in becoming an Air Traffic Controller on the Expert Server? We are looking for professional and knowledgable users to control the skies of Infinite Flight!
What is IFATC?
The Infinite Flight ATC [IFATC] Team is a group of highly-qualified Air Traffic Controllers that provide global ATC services on the Expert Server. IFATC members communicate on the Discord platform, progress through a structured rank system, and have an opportunity to control anywhere in …
November 22, 2024, 1:55pm
Thankyou Doha team for dedication maintain great services,👍
Don’t forget your traffic generating friend a few miles east ;)
Had a few departures, all to you lol
Very nice ground controlling!!! Nice job Delta!
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November 23, 2024, 12:15pm
Thank you ground team!! had a very smooth flight out!
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November 23, 2024, 12:18pm
Thx for Ground! Great work we did! Thx OTHH team!
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Looks fun, I believe I haven’t been under your ATC service yet.
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