Staffing Ground at Doha

Hey! One of my favorite things about being an IFATC Controller is controlling at the hub. There is a lot of things to do, and it’s a great feeling when you get off your session knowing that you helped moved hundreds of aircraft!

Today, I was controlling Doha Ground. Thank you to @Testpilot, @BlueSky, @B787fan, @JohnnyCai, and @Katherine_love for controlling with me in the last hour! It really is a team effort!

I had a lot of aircraft on the ground at peak, so even “Very-High” airplane count couldn’t get everyone. I did get a nice terminal picture though when things settled down!

Does this look fun? Apply to be an IFATC Controller today!


Thankyou Doha team for dedication maintain great services,👍


Don’t forget your traffic generating friend a few miles east ;)

Had a few departures, all to you lol


Very nice ground controlling!!! Nice job Delta!

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Thank you ground team!! had a very smooth flight out!

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Thx for Ground! Great work we did! Thx OTHH team!

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Looks fun, I believe I haven’t been under your ATC service yet.

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