Southwest Airlines Livery Tracking Thread

In case anyone was wondering, I got swapped out of California One the day before… of course.

But I did manage to get a MAX with the USB charging ports


I caught Triple Crown One again earlier today!

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I’ve seen this when I went on my first solo trip with southwest it was at my gate and I thought I was going to get it but it was going to I think Dallas love field and got sad for a minute but cool to see it but yeah my flight was a fun flight for my first solo flight

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The second one look way too American but. Without any weaponry except for the door.

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Saw the “new” Triple Crown One for the first time flying through BWI earlier!


Caught that one last week

My special livery (bad) luck strikes again…

I was originally supposed to fly home to NOLA for Thanksgiving tomorrow evening ATL-DAL-MSY. Well I ended up flying home yesterday instead since a coworker of mine switched a day which allowed me to come home two days earlier. It also worked out because the flight home ended up being cheaper and would give me more time off to spend with family.

Here’s the only catch to that change though…

My original flight. I give up…


You had one chance and you blew it 😆

For real… last time I’m ever changing a flight

Nothing much, just a forest of MAXs at Oakland


I think I stood in that exact spot back in June when going to Maui lol

“In contrast with the now endangered 737 Classic and the dwindling 737 NG families, the 737 MAX family has begun to slowly encroach on their old territory, establishing it’s dominance in new locations. Here a pack of wild 737 MAXes can be seen at Oakland, now a common habitat for the type.”


I audibly snorted reading that. You’ve earned your like today.


I 100% read that in my head in a Sir David Frederick Attenborough voice.

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Found the picture. It was the same spot lol


Man the Blue Canyon livery did look really good on the 737-800! I regret not filming enough Southwest back in the day. Southwest Airlines 737-800 [N8631A] takeoff from PDX

I flew on that exact plane earlier this month

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Ooo amazing!

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Amazing soaring at the sky pics!!

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