Rough winds at Denver today. 27kts gusting. Had to go around due to windsheer on RWY 34L. Switched to 07 and did a Rough Landing but got the bird down eventually.
If you want a good challenge, fly into Denver today.
If you want a good challenge, fly into Denver today.
Nice kaptan
Dang, 27 knots is insane
Yup. Threw me around pretty good. Airspeed was also bugging out massively. So going around was the safest option at the time.
Yeah, I probably would’ve done that too
Metar still shows 15-27kts wind. Still going strong.
Thanks, and great shot!
I’m doing GAF training rn
Very nice! Expert server?
Yeah (10 char)
Grinding hours and landings rn to get grade 3. Hopping from KLAX to KSFO. 3 days and im done i think.
Good ole tbm🤩
Yeah, what I did is grinding landings in casual, and then I did a bunch of long hauls
I did the same with the f18 when going to grade 2. But now i need hours and xp so i just do short hauls 4-6 times a day. Soon there
Yeah, hopefully you unlock the ES soon!
Ok, now to get back on topic so we don’t get flagged, I LOVE THE SOUTHWEST LIVERY!
Especially the MAX!