Southern California KPSP TS1 [CLOSED]

Southern California KPSP TS1 [CLOSED]

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Next time I would suggest using TS2 as its a lot quieter


Palm Springs on ts1 never has as many stupid people than other airports


It wasn’t too bad. I just ignore the people like the guy in the 747 who stopped on the runway and kept saying “standby” and then started running through other aircraft. It’s really not a problem if everyone just keeps going with whatever they’re doing. We had one guy doing pattern work which was helpful and the rest departed. Overall, it was good practice.

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I was on approach for you for a bit, I did notice that nobody was changing frequency after take off despite departing from the airspace. Did you give the frequency change command?


KVCV is another hidden gem in Socal, I’ve practiced controlling there multiple times. It may take a minute for people to notice you’re there, but once they do they start inbound rather than LAX or PSP.


Psp averages two nimrods a session

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Thank you and yes. As soon as they departed the pattern at all, frequency changes were approved.

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Ah no worries, I thought that might be the case and they accept but still stay on your frequency.

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