Somebody help


So I’m a new Infinite Flight player and while I love playing I’m sure you know how hard it is to learn. I have been flying for a couple of days consistently now and running into the same problems over and over again, and I need your help. I would try to find the solutions myself but they are so niche and so many, I’m just going to ask here. Any and all help is appreciated, even if you’re just pointing me to a guide or something.

  1. Sometimes while I’m trying to turn the engines on after getting ground services before takeoff it’ll say “master switch in electrical panel must be on to turn on engines.” So I go to the electrical panel and switch the Master power thing or whatever but it still doesn’t let me turn on the engines, so I always have to end my flight when this happens and try again.
  2. On takeoff, especially in the past few days for some reason, my airplane will suddenly yaw to one direction while I’m rotating. I have no idea why and I never handle it correctly; it has even made me crash on takeoff once which was really annoying because I had already made my full flight plan.
  3. Today while I was flying an A320 from ARN-BCL at FL350 (with turbulence set to “Light”) my plane kept rolling side to side like there was some kind of really bad turbulence. I realized I was at Mach 0.61 (which is slow for an A320 I presume) so I went up to Mach 0.78 and while that made it a little better it was still very bad. It only stopped by itself after I passed over the Alps.
  4. This is another problem I encountered today that I think has something to do with number 3 but for some reason the autopilot was staying just a little but to the west of my charted course. It looked like it kept trying to correct itself but it never could until, like before, I passed over the Alps.
  5. Whenever I try to use VNAV, I input all the altitudes for my descent waypoints, and while it might descend to the first altitude I put in it never descends to any of the altitudes after. It always updates and says “VNAV target switched to 13,000 feet” or whatever but it doesn’t descend by itself; I have to manually put it into the autopilot.
  6. I have tried to use the APPR thing before but I have no idea how it works.

That’s all! I know all of this is probably pretty no-brainer stuff but I am new and this is all very novel to me. Once again, any help is greatly appreciated!


Regarding the Master Switch and starting up engines, it depends on the type of aircraft you’re in. Some aircrafts in the game have the APU switch, which is needed for engine start. For example, the A320 has the APU switch and after switching on the Master Switch you have to switch APU to the “start” position, and then it’ll automatically switch to “on”. The APU gives power to the aircraft, which is needed for engine start. The APU is what allows the aircraft to “wake up”, just like in real life.

Some aircrafts in the game don’t have the APU function like the Boeing 787 (even though in real life it does), which means that you can start the engines right after the Master Switch has been switched on.

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Some of the aircraft also need to start APU first before starting the engine, Set APU Start> wait until chance itself to APU ON and here you go.

This is depends on effect of wind gusts.

Try review VNAV guide here:

Also for APPR here is the complete guide:

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Hey mate, I will try my best to help you.

On certain aircraft you have to turn on the APU unit for the engine to start, you can do it by going into the electrical menu, switch on battery then start the APU.

You probably had some crosswind when taking off, even a little bit of crosswind can deviate you from the runway centerline.
The solution here is to correct the crosswind with a bit of Rudder. You can check this tutorial here :

These couple of day’s there was a lot of wind above Europe as you can see this picture

It can cause some turbulence, and flying at mach 0.61 don’t help, try to stay between mach 0.76-78 for that type of aircraft.

Again, it’s like the number 3 as you said, the wind make you off course a bit, the autopilot isn’t perfect in IF and the GPS Navigation isn’t the most precise navigation. It’s not an issue.

For this one I don’t understand why you have an issue, in your AP panel when selecting VNAV for descent it will show you how many NM remain before your descent. Maybe you should try to wait a bit or send a video because the problem here isn’t clear.

I hope I’ve answered all your questions
Have a nice day, LaTrixtance.

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What were the winds like? Sometimes your plane can be blown off a little bit.


1: yeah try setting the APU to start for this. It will turn to on in about 10 seconds
2: I honestly have no idea. Very sorry
3: this is weird. Where were you on your route? In the a320 I would recommend cruising at Mach .82
4: This might be a turblence related issue. What was your true heading?
5: This is weird I would recommend trying again
6: I’m with you on this one. I think it follows the glideslope and stays to the runway center.
Good Luck flying!


A320 never fly at 0.82, it always stay between 0.76 and 0.80 but commonly at 0.78.


Yeah I was gonna say, I was cruising at 0.78 and I was only like two dozen knots from overspeeding

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But anyways thank you everybody for the help, I seriously appreciate it! Hopefully next flight I’ll be able to put all this to good use!

He said he set the turbulence to light, so he’s on solo without live winds. Depending on what “rolling” means this might just be a weight issue (too high for weight). This tends to manifest as a rolling oscillation that completes a cycle every 5-10 seconds or so. If your plane is just jittery it’s probably normal. Just hold 0.78.

Is it just leveling off at the first waypoint and refusing to descend further?

Actually I was on the casual server but turbulence was set to Light. I’m guessing it was the winds he showed me then

Yeah (10char)

The engen issue: I think you need to turn on the apu

Yeah probably

If you’re too far from the next waypoint it won’t descend. IF’s VNAV will keep a 2 degree glideslope in open descent, so if you input like FL200 and 100 nm later 10000 feet it will only need 47 nm to descend, so it will fly level for 53 nm. You can see when this is happening because the VNAV (or altitude, don’t remember) box will have a distance in it. That’s the only explanation I can think of. A decent rule of thumb when planning VNAV descents is to take the distance between two waypoints and divide by 3 and drop that many thousands of feet - 1 or -2. If you’ve got two points 30 nm apart, that’s 30/3 = 10 - 1 = 8 or 9 thousand feet drop. You might have to adjust if you have a strong tailwind or you’re flying a slippery plane but this should at least give you a continuous descent.

  1. Most likely to do with crosswinds - always check the wind speed and direction before take-off and use the rudder if necessary, it might take a bit of practice to use the rudder in take off (and landing too).
  2. You might have been flying too heavy for the altitude. Mach 0.61 is too slow, you should really be doing 0.78. This website is handy for cruising altitudes as well as flap setting speeds, cruising speeds and takeoff data:
  3. Depends how zoomed into the map you were maybe - there is some offset when you’re quite zoomed in but you shouldn’t be miles and miles away from the line if zoomed out.
  4. Depends on the distance and the altitude between the waypoints. If you only descend 1,000ft between waypoints a long distance away you’ll only descend as you get nearer the waypoint with the new altitude. Check if there’s a distance figure in the VNAV box within the autopilot; that’s the distance until the aircraft will start descending to that next altitude.
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Same here (10char)

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That’s crosswind. Use opposite rudder to counteract it.

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True, I thought that .82 was the limit at FL350

I think it is the limit but you shouldn’t fly on the tape for most planes

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