Bump after some time. Smartwings has few more of the Max 8 still on delivery.
I see that its flying to Mataveri right now, and then onwards to Papeete.
I wonder what its for?
One of there 737 MAX went to the Antarctic research center a few weeks back.
Hoping to see Smartwings on the Max
I want this livery lol would be great to fly to RMF with this or HRG
I really hope that the RMF will be released in 3D soon 😍 because RMF is one of my favorite destinations.
fr ive been there 3 times its kinda dead place but still the sea and landscape there is so beautiful
Well guess it’s not coming
Apparently not in this update.
Maybe in the future. Smartwings has already 10 of them and 3 more are coming in following months.
Bump after few days!
Also happy holidays everyone 😊
Hopefully we will get this one soon
Need this as well as on the 737-800
Let’s give this livery the attention it needs.