SimBrief FPL Import Issue

I create a new route, and this function gives me the previous route, what should I do?

Hi and welcome to the community.

Are you sure you actually generated a new flight by tapping the button in the top left corner?



Yes, I tried several times, but the tool always gives me the last flight.

Are you sure you’ve linked the right Navigraph account?

Is the linked account the same account you are creating flights with on the Navigraph website?

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Yes, until then I was using another account to create my flights, however I decided to change accounts, I even deleted the old one to see if it would solve the problem but it remains stable.

Could you try unlinking and relinking the Navigraph account in Infinite Flight?

I’m going to do this action again! But I think it’s unlikely that it will be successful, it’s as if the account that is delivering the old flight is a ghost, it’s already disappeared, I’ve already connected another account, but it seems like it never unlinks.

When the right account is linked, the old account won’t be used anymore.

You need to use the same aircraft in Simbrief that you want to fly in IF.

In SimBrief it is this setting:

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