Side stick and Thrust lever

Hello I’m not sure if this is in the right place, but basically my Britney’s is coming up and I’m looking at Side Sticks compatible with IF. I was also looking at thrust levers and if they are also even compatible for infinite flight. Does anyone have any recommendations for side sticks? And so thrust levers work with Infinite flight?


I can’t recommend additional hardware at all. While a sidestick and levers are fun to use they are not optimised for IF and therefore can’t improve your experience.


What do you mean by optimized, are they still supported?

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I own a Thrustmaster Airbus sidestick. It has several buttons which you can assign to a function e.g. autopilot toggle. However, that’s not working in IF. Only the sidestick itself creates an input. And this input is not accurate nor realistic compared to a connection with a pc simulator. Also they’re build for pc simulators primarily.

I don’t know if they‘re currently working at all but when I flew it was possible to make a short test flight.


So really only the actual side stick and the thrust part of it only works?

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This was the case for me, yes

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Personally I wouldn’t recommend getting one either. There’s always gonna be that little delay, annoying disconnect or software bugs during your flights.

If you have Android, it makes more sense as you can connect it with a cable. However especially for iOS it’s really stupid as you need 3rd party software and a laptop. Additionally, as of right now, I believe there is only 1 software that works. (1 WIP)

Again, ultimately it’s up to you. But remember, IF is NOT made to be played with a joystick.

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They are compatible currently with Map Connect beta currently out.

I suggest the Extreme 3D Pro if you are looking for a brand new on. It has the throttle and rudder onto it but really it’s your choice.

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Do u think the T flight Hotas X would work?


I’m pretty sure this should be moved to #general if your asking for recommendations

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You rly bought it omg…

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You can actually watch dans video on YouTube on this.

I never said I bought it.

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The one he has is complaining and he didn’t actually correctly set it up.

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You will buy??

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Oh now got it

Most likely

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I used it on LiveFlight and it works perfectly fine for me. Idk about the T Flight Hotas X but as long it is USB and can connect then you should be good. Though I have to try Map Connect beta soon

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How does it even work? Do you usb to ur computer then live connect to ur ipad?

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