Why they don’t want you doing multiplayer with someone
This would be great! Say on long-haul flights, those in different timezones could work together to fly the aircraft!
Bump bump bump! I think this is a great idea!
Having to fly in one plane with other IF pilots could be alot of fun especially if somehow we can also communicate with each other inside the cockpit. Perhaps maybe using audio or text chat.
Bump, that’s the feature which I’m really looking forward to having, hope it is not too complicated to put in the game.
another bump, i guess it wont come soon, but as some sort of an idea it is really cool
The only thing I worry about with this is that it would decrease the amount of traffic because of more shared cockpits therefore making airports less busy as one would hope. Really cool idea though.
bump, it would be cool if we can fly an airplane like irl! This got my vote!
bump, just imagine flying with a friend
This topic came up again and I’ve realized my grammar mistake lol
Like in in real life (irl)
bumpity bump bump. lets get some more votes for this amazing idea
Its been 8 years 🤣still nothing