Screen touch bug

I get these random bugs every time I fly. When I lower my altitude from the ap, the ap just turns off, or when I use the rudder and turn the rudder to the right, it goes back to the original position, etc. There are some really serious bugs when flying. When I adjust my speed, the rudder suddenly gets manipulated. I’ve been having these issues for the past few days. I don’t think it’s my iPad’s problem. I haven’t had these bugs in other games.

iPad Air 5
ios 18.1.1

Could you be a bit more specific and possibly provide screenshots?

This is because the rudder is situated towards the side of the screen. What is likely happening is not a bug but your finger sliding off the main screen, so it resets.

It’s not a simple mistake. If this happens again, I’ll share the video with you. Thanks for helping

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You’re welcome! I am not totally sure what the other issues may be caused by, but if you can provide a video that would be nice.

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