I can’t bake resume my saved flight in expert server
I restart my phone and application too but it showing that msg again n again . I’m frustrated about this issue .
Device -iPhone 12
Operating system 17.6.1
I can’t bake resume my saved flight in expert server
I restart my phone and application too but it showing that msg again n again . I’m frustrated about this issue .
Device -iPhone 12
Operating system 17.6.1
Hello @Shreyash_Chauhan. I’m sorry to hear about your frustration. This is a known issue and has already been reported in numerous Support topics. Please see the attached topics:
As Schyllberg said in the second linked topic, flight resume won’t work if you had a flight going, ended it, and then updated the app. Did you already update the app when you started this new flight?
Nope I updated the app yesterday in evening (IST) and done 2,3 flight 737 max and it was all ok
Then before sleeping I started a flight in new version and till now it was going well but before few min I closed this app for some reason and tried enter in flight so the game automatically crashed and when I opened it stated showing me this …
When I tried flying the max for the first time after updating my game crashed too…literally 2 seconds after I took off. I wonder if your issue is because the game itself crashed.
But this thing is after takeoff when we reached cruising altitude the flight get saved and u can resume it when u want so basically I closed the app after being in air for 9 hours so why this problem pops up like (it didn’t saved or something) that’s real issue …… Note:- I already updated the app before doing this flight .
I’m not quite sure I’m understanding. Did the app crash or did you exit out of it?
Now , here I didn’t exited the flight i just put the app in background to text someone and then after 2 min I tried to open the app from home screen and it crashed the thing I’m in doubt that I have done this thing many like texting friends msg between the flight it roughly takes me 1 min and then I open the app again it sometimes get connected with server or I have to restart the game it goes well but this time it crashed and not allowing me to enter again .
Edit - I do this thing when my flight get saved in air in between landing or takeoff I don’t perform this things as the game don’t save
I have no clue what’s going on happening to me too, really hope this gets fixed as it makes the game pretty much unplayable in terms of actual flying and I just wanna do my first full flight with the max and in fact 24.4. And when I overwrote my flight it was like it had to planes spawned as I had my plane on ground but saying I was getting a violation and scenic camera view was on my plane in the sky so idk
True , I want them to fix it . It annoys me when I can’t complete the flight .
Exactly cause descending and landing is the best bit yet I can’t do that
This happened to me too on a long haul flight on the expert server just now, the app randomly crashed, and I tried to resume the flight and it did not work, showing the same message. I also restarted the app and my device but nothing worked. I dont know why the app crashed but I had wind barbs on if that might have something to do with it.
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