Save and Copy Past Flight Plans

Hi Infinite Flight team and fellow pilots,

I’d like to suggest a new feature that I believe would greatly enhance our experience: the ability to save and reuse past flight plans.

Currently, we need to manually set up our flight plans every time we start a new flight, even if we’re repeating the same route. This can be time-consuming, especially for pilots who frequently fly the same routes or want to replicate previous flights.

With a feature to save past flight plans, we could:

  • Easily copy a saved flight plan for future use.
  • Avoid manually re-entering waypoints for repeated routes.
  • Enjoy a more streamlined pre-flight process.

This functionality would be incredibly helpful for virtual airlines, recurring routes, or anyone who values efficiency during flight planning.

What do you all think? I’d love to hear your thoughts or any ideas to expand on this concept!

Thanks for considering this, and happy flying!

Hello, Simbrief makes copying flight plans possible, all you need to do is file a flight plan, and load it into IF

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