SAV’s Editing Tracking Topic

Hey there! Im SAV, an editor for IFAET and I thought I would make a tracking topic to better organize my current and past projects!

Sacramento International Airport

I will also provide WIP photos of my work here to keep y’all up to date with my latest projects!

I hope you enjoy!

Please note I do not take requests.

SAV’s Airports:

Airport Name ICAO City/State Status
Hodges Airpark GA39 Savannah, Georgia Released
Kestrel Airpark 1T7 San Antonio, Texas Released
Bozeman Yellowstone International KBZN Bozeman, Montana Released
Dwight D. Eisenhower National KICT Wichita, Kansas Released
Sacramento International KSMF Sacramento, California Ready for release
Grand Junction Regional KGJT Grand Junction, Colorado Awaiting Official Review
Kodiak PADQ Kodiak, Alaska Work in progress

Ready for release does NOT guarantee an airport will be released in the next update.


Grand Junction Regional


What an awesome array of airports you’ve worked on/are working on!


Ooo super excited to see KBZN on there, Also excited to see work on PADQ!!


Wonderful work!

SACRAMENTO!!! Finally I can do more Southwest flights within California without the lack of 3D buildings. Now all I need is OAK!


Was just thinking about Bozeman after watching a United Max 8 fly over me going there. 2025 is looking like it’s going to be an epic year to get pro again!


I learned today that BZN is the destination of the US’s longest RJ flight, IAD-BZN. Just over 4 hours on the E175.

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Ive flown out of Bozeman a lot so i cant wait for it to be 3D!!

I’m very excited too!! This is my hometown and I’ve flown in and out of it so many times on southwest mostly!! This will be my top used airport once it’s out!

Do you not have pro?

Nope. My subscription ended in May

Oh… I thought it lasted until you cancel it by option

I can’t wait to have Bozeman, my home and fav airport, in 3D!!🥳


Couldn’t agree more I’ve flown out of BZN alot Irl!!

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Could I possibly see more WIP pics of KSMF? It’s my hometown airport and I’m so excited to fly the max and more from it. Also, when is it scheduled to release?

I’ll try to send some in a bit, but KSMF is ready for release and I expect it to come with the MAX.

Hope you enjoy SMF :)

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Does anyone know of any KABQ progress? Or if it’s in any form of 3Ding?

Has not been worked on at all, I want it as well as there is an Air Force Base there and my grandparents live there

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