Already watched it
I like the AeroMexico livery a lot, definitely underutilized.
Indeed I did. I like the approach to MMUN a lot, especially when the 30s are in use.
Working through quite a backlog of posting here, since I’ve been recovering from surgery. Videos have been going up on my YouTube channel like usual, since they’re automatically scheduled. Enjoy!
I hope all is well, were you in an accident or was it a planned one.
he hurt his knee
How did he do that? (If he’s willing to share with me)
ask him in PM
Thank you! I dislocated my right knee in October, which just set me down a bad path of recurrent dislocations (13 in total - decidedly not fun). All the dislocations screwed up a ligament, and so I had that replaced on Tuesday. Not pleasant at all, but it’s really the only path out.
Yay! The parkway one! Promised voice reveal when 🤓
I am a voice in a video by a much larger aviation YouTuber, MileHigh Aviation. He made a Community Post a while back asking for aviation YouTubers to be a part of an upcoming video (he removed the post since sign ups are full, and I don’t want to give away too much about the video so I won’t share any further details), by submitting a voice clip. I’m not sure when the video is supposed to post, but I’d expect sometime soon.
no way sammy voice reveal???
I also put myself on there lmfao
damn i don’t even check my yt notifications anymore
I subbed! 🔥
Sammy’s voice sounds like a future pilot and genius: what everyone on here’s does ✈️
Congrats on 400 subs!
Those were all worth a watch!