Sailing Aircraft Carriers

And what better way to put those flying simulations to the test than by landing a fighter jet on the deck of an aircraft carrier!


Bump for this cool idea

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Would there be different types of aircraft carriers for different countries and then a multitude of aircraft would be needed in Infinite Flight such as the su-35 flanker the Tyfoon etc. and the carrier would need destroyers and Crusers and sub escort and we could have the F-35 carrier version too

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let’s get some more votes for this, it’s definitely worth it

and to give the arrestor hook more of a purpose


I think its a good idea to have a controller (ATC) manage it on expert server. It may just appear anytime during atc events. What makes this more interesting will be the physics of a moving carrier and the pilots calculation to land with the wind factor and other stuff…


i rly like that idea

maybe a carrier landing mission similar to the shuttle landing?

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100 Votes!!!

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Voted! Great idea and should increase usage of IF’s military fleet


Will be hard for the devs but would be great

My vote is in!

now that i landed the biggies at saba time to land the bigges at sea!

go check out that topic though

So happy to see this has finally received over a 100 votes, we need to keep pushing as this will be one of the best updates for the military fleet

The super hornet is already equipped with hook design for carrier landing so technically, there would be no reason to not have carriers in-game. Besides, it’s just so fun when you can do carrier ops especially during nighttime. Also, it’s just so amazing if we can see this in-game even if it’s not moving just like some of the default carriers on FSX.


That’s such an awesome idea! Sadly I’m out of votes, but I support this

The 3D modeling would be a massive undertaking, but definitely worth it. Devs would have to create an “airport” at sea and make the 3D surface hard such that the fighters can interact with the elevated surface above the water.

Been a long-time supporter of this, would make military flying that much more exciting!

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We could also potentially get these guys in if we have WW2 naval aircraft




ngl this is a good idea!


Corsairs, or F6F Hellcats? If we had to pick a WWII Naval Aircraft, which would it be?

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I’m leaning toward the hellcat. But I prefer the TBF

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I think it’s a great idea!!!
Even if was just 6-12 elevated runways in the ocean like an island would sit, use taxiways to draw out the perimeter of a Navy aircraft carrier and throw in a simulated rubber band to stop aircraft when landing.
UNICOM could activate a catapult, it would be kind of like a A/C tug on steroids lol.

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carriers? what about ships?