Saf's Radar Tracking Thread - [CLOSED]

Welcome to @Saf 's Radar Tracking Thread.

Just came off a 3 month cooldown. As part of the effort to get back into radar and nail the practical test, I’ve decided to open this tracking thread for some additional practice outside of training sessions. Your attendance and feedback will be very appreciated, regardless of your status in or out of IFATC :)

How will this work?

Before opening an airport, I’ll post a message on this thread with the relevant details, such as the airport, the runways in use and what target areas do I want to work on.

If you are on the ping list, you will be notified when this happens. Feel free to ask if you would like to be put on!

The more pilots we get, the better!

Ping List


As always, don’t hesitate to ask any questions or clarifying detail below.

This thread has been approved by my trainer, @Rhys_V


I’ll join the ping list.


Feel free to add me to the ping list!

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Add me to the ping list.

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Hey, I would also appreciate If you could add me into your ping list. Just to get notfications when you’re offering service. Which airports do you choose usually? Thank you! :)

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Sure, I’ll add you to the ping list.

I go through with my trainer a list of airports we agree I can control on this tracking thread so the practice I do is productive. New additions would be put on the list as I progress through training.

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Feel free to add me to ping list as well. Good luck with the restart of your training, your first session went pretty well!

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Add me to the ping list please!

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Alright, let’s kick things off with a fun one.

SEQM Runway 36

Do whatever you like.
When? 2024-11-20T21:00:00Z

Ping List


Add me to the ping list!

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Quito Approach (SEQM) is closed.

Thanks @PilotA350 for attending!

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Feel free to add me @Saf!

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U can add me to your ping list as well

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I hate this airport so much.

SKRG Runway 01


Ping List


SKRG Approach is open

SKRG Approach is closed.

Thank you @falcon.ccp for attending!

Feedback Embraer 75PH

  • Great job with the vectors, especially with the difficult terrain.
  • Instead of telling me to descend and maintain 10,000, you could have kept me at 11,000, since I was already about to intercept the glideslope.
  • Overall, you did good, but more study on the airport’s surrounding terrain and procedures would allow for more accurate commands.

(Put me on the ping list please btw)

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Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah I was worried you were going to be too high on the G/S. Glad it worked out though.

Can you add me to the ping list?

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KSAN Runway 27


Ping List
