Runway KNUC

The runway of KNUC is runway 05-23. But Some pilots and ATC said runway 06-24. Is the runway number changed? Has KNUC a second runway? I confused!

23/05 has been switched to 24/06 with the recent update. Android and Amazon users send 24/06, iOS users send 23/05

Oke, I understand. Thank you! I’m using an iOS device and still don’t have the update :(

Extract. KNUC

Runway 6/24
Dimensions: 9301 x 200 ft. / 2835 x 61 m Surface: concrete
Weight bearing capacity: PCN 49 /R/B/W/T Single wheel: 156.0 Double wheel: 225.0 Double tandem: 385.0
Runway edge lights: high intensity
Latitude: 33-01.068862N 33-01.660798N Longitude:

(Upon receipt of the latest update the Rway headings will be corrected to 6/24)

Max Sends

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@Snelweg_A15. FYI. Airfield data to include NOTAM’s and procedures are available at Good airmanship requires pre-flight preparation and a Flight Plan every time. See the web site for free pub’s particularly the free pub “The Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge”. Max Sends

duplicate topic

I always hear taxi to runway 24 instead of 23. I thought it was a bug on live.