Rework on legacy aircrafts

It’s 2025 and still no rework on legacy aircrafts and a few other models. i dont get it… the bodies are already there, it shouldnt be a lot of work right? please clarify because im not the first to ask😔

Reworking aircraft is not an easy task. In most cases, the aircraft is redone from the ground up, which takes several months to complete - look at the recent A380 rework as an example. Feel free to vote for their respective Features requests to show your support.


They’re of extremely poor quality and will be discarded during the rework.


IF team is small what did you expect bruh

ahhh understood thank u for clarify i had no idea they’d have to start from scratch

ah okok i understand it now thank u for explaining🙏🏼🙏🏼

It has been 13 years, I’m pretty sure they can complete a couple of legacy aircraft reworks.

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Did you read what I said? To quote an old (but still valid) blog post, “a rework for Infinite Flight is a completely new aircraft model and is the same as building a new aircraft”. With the ever increasing demand for more and more detail (paired with increasingly more powerful mobile devices), building a new aircraft model from the ground up will only take longer and longer. Further, since reworks are no different than making a new aircraft development-wise, demand for a given rework must be taken into account against requests for new aircraft.

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I did. First of all, we are talking about legacy aircraft only, like really old ones. You said It takes several months to complete, and I understand that. The thing is it has been 13 years, that’s a pretty long time if you ask me. (Not trying to start an argument).

Infinite Flight isn’t only about aircraft. Not only does the team need to carefully choose whether to add a new aircraft or remove one of the existing legacy ones and remake it from the ground up, but also add other interesting features, such as global flying, 3D buildings, taxiway lights, GSE, auto-pushback… all of which take up their own fair share of time and resources. Again, it’s not the straightforward process you seem to think it is.

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I mean yeah you’re right but I was just talking about legacy aircraft, all of these other features are great, but the aircrafts are the base of the game and that’s what people really wanna see be worked on.