Let’s go and win
Sign me up!
I’ll definitely join
With you guys
Lol @adam_2tuff I’m literally competing in one of your screenshot competitions and ima face you here 😂
i’ll join this one please!
We need 15 more people for me to start the competition!
Would love to join! However, I’m about to change my device in a few days.
I also have a question but, are you allowed to edit your image? (Photoshop, etc)
Sign me up!
Sign me up too please!
I think as long as your pic follows the rules of Screenshots and Videos category, it’s allowed.
Signe me up pls!
Count me in, even if i don’t fly no more i have a hundred of retro pictures stocked in gallery.
You guys are all signed up!
The deadline for your photos is 2024-10-14T05:00:00Z
I still needs photos from
i’ll get them to you sorry!
Okay Roger
Quick question. Would the air canada mint livery be retro?
Yes will be considered retro for this competition 👍
I can confirm to you that i will have them before the deadline