It’s been a few times that I have requested to taxi to a specific runway for departure and every time I have been denied, the runway I requested was being used for take offs and I was just wondering if there’s a specific reason why ATC would denied the request or if such requests increases the workload for the controller, I’m not complaining am just curious, in my case it’s always at LAX, I like to keep my flights realistic as possible so I would spawn in the south side and request taxi to north side, any input would be greatly appreciated.
How is this realistic? The only reason for this would be if there was a really long departure line for 25R, which there probably wasn’t when you were flying.
I understand you might be trying to replicate the taxi route of a real world flight but ATC doesn’t know that and would prefer to keep things efficient.
Well it depends on the traffic. If you spawn on the south side when there is moderate to high traffic, the controller would give u rwy 25. The reason for this is, as you stated, lesser workload.
Closer runway = less taxi distance = less chance of conflicts = more overall focus on all aircrafts instead of one
Also, during our training, we are taught to send an aircraft to the closest operating runway, though this is not a mandate.
In a low traffic scenario tho, it depends on the controller. Some would let you have the freedom of choosing, and some would send u to the runway closest to u/which makes the most sense
Thanks for your reply, and my request was realistic because my flight was heading northbound and I’ve noticed that is the case at LAX, all northbound flights take off from the north even if their terminals are in the south side, but you are right ATC wouldn’t know unless they check my flight plan, perhaps am asking for too much, but what am saying is why not let me taxi to the north side, there was not much traffic around and I do not think it would of affected operations.
Ah so that’s why, now I understand, thank you so much. I figured it was due to the training given to controllers but wasn’t sure, and you are right I’ve always been sent to the nearest runway for departure, but in some cases I think controllers should be able to approve the request of course if there’s not a lot of traffic or any type of event.