Replay in Solo not responding

Hey guys!! Great work, im really enjoying all of your creativity!! But check this out, my replay for solo mode is not working, it did before the update, if you need any specific info on what im seeing feel free to message me! Im on apple Ios … Iphone 14 promax
thank you! Sdwndr74

Hey, was the replay created on the latest hotfix? 24.4.1 I believe it should be.

Solo replays not working on 24.4 is known, the hot fix should fix this.

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Thank you! It really does not bother me! it will be fixed, i rarely use it and just found this! I appreciate your response! 🫡

There’s a hotfix? Strange that the devs didn’t tell us prior to releasing it.

It’s known in the way that it became clear soon after release, not before. ;)