Regulating Training Servers

While being an ATC on training server and practicing for IFATC i have noticed a lot and a lot of players not listening to the instructions of the ATC , these unprofessional players out there cause chaos in the whole airspace especially small airplanes and faster jets. I know that its a training server and its not necessary for some strict rules here but its also a problem when players takeoff and land on random runways taxi insanely fast in random directions and block the runways and exits causing a lot of problems to other players who are actually trying to do a flight professionally, perform pattern work and learn something good!
I request the developers to think something about this issue and add a timeout/kickout feature for ATC to manage this issue and also add a role for non IFATC players to avoid misuse of this ability where after certain grade and some thousand observations players get the ability to use these tools and maintain the decorum of this server!

Guys being new to this game if i am missing something out please correct me below in the replies.
Thank You

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Training Server is a place to make those “mistakes” - yes I get its annoying to witness those “mistakes”. Chances are the people who continuously make these “mistakes” either won’t ever touch Expert Server or will end up getting violations pretty quickly.

Would still get misused because people would just grind to meet those requirements and then we’re back at square one. Even if it wasn’t “misused” - there would likely be a barage of “why did I get timed out/kicked” topics which would be a nightmare to handle.

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