Regarding Level 1 Violations and the total violation count

I had a question regarding Level 1 violations that’s been bugging me for quite some time. I have a total of 6 Level 1 violations, all of them being very unfortunate over speed in flight violations. They are more than a month old.
My question: Do Level 1 violations eventually expire and disappear from the total violation count or are they displayed there forever?

Thank you!
(Apologies if this is posted in the wrong hole.)

Question 1 answer: you will still get all the history of the violations from years back

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They won’t affect the grade

considering it’s showing my violation count as 781… yea it keeps track of past ones too

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Level 3 violation can either give you one yr or 7 days

Level 2 or 1 violations won’t do anything

Thank you

I see, thanks! My reason for asking is the fact that I cannot stand the sight of “6 Violations received” every time I see my own profile haha

The 6 violations won’t affect it

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If you have more than 5 level 2/3 vios in a year, you’ll be dropped to Grade 2. Level 1 vios can drop you to Grade 2 as well but just for less time.

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Looks like we’ve got some pretty good answers and information here.